The second of MIT’s six Climate Action Symposia, Challenges of Climate Policy, was held on Tuesday, October 29, 2019. Topics included:
- societal impacts and policy challenges of climate change;
- adaptations that could limit economic damages and national security risks; and
- potential solutions to overcome domestic and international political hurdles for addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
In Part 1, Symposium Chair Richard Schmalensee introduces the event.
In Part 2, panelists Maximilian Auffhammer of UC Berkeley and Kathleen Hicks of the Center for Strategic and International Studies discuss "Risks and Damages."
In Part 3, panelists Susanne Moser of Moser Research and Consulting and Andrew Steer of the World Resources Institute discuss "Adaptation."
In Part 4, panelists Stephen Ansolabehere of Harvard, Henry Jacoby of MIT and Leah Stokes of UC Santa Barbara discuss "the Politics of Mitigation."