Announcing: The Climate Project at MIT
On February 8, 2024, MIT President Sally Kornbluth announced the Climate Project at MIT, an ambitious new model of accelerated, university-led innovation. Its three-part structure — consisting of the Climate Missions, the Climate Frontier projects, and the Climate HQ — is designed to marshal the Institute’s talent and resources to research, develop, deploy, and scale up serious solutions to help change the planet’s climate trajectory.

Climate: An Institute Priority
Through the Climate Project at MIT and the MIT Climate Action Plan, the whole of MIT is mobilizing to advance impactful solutions for the global climate challenge.

Departments, Labs, Centers + Programs
MIT academia, research centers, administrative offices, and initiatives doing work related to climate change.

Student + Alumni Groups
Groups led by MIT students and alumni focused on climate change and sustainability.
To get a snapshot of the climate change, environment & sustainability work happening across the Institute, you can sign up for these newsletters:
- MIT Climate Portal newsletter provides overviews of critical climate change topics directly from MIT experts and a digest of MIT climate research.
- MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative newsletter gives a weekly overview of MIT environmental events and opportunities.
- MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative newsletter covers environmental events, news, and opportunities with a focus on MIT's business school.
- MIT Energy Initiative newsletter features low-carbon energy research, events, and news.

Events at MIT
Climate change and sustainability events happening across campus, via MIT Events.
Upcoming Events
Subjects + Open Learning
- Search MIT undergraduate subjects on environment & sustainability
- See all MIT undergraduate majors, minors & concentrations on environment and sustainability
- MITx offers online courses for anyone
- Extend your learning with MIT Open Courseware's materials on Energy and Environment
For Educators
- TILclimate educator guides: teach climate through MIT's climate change podcast
- CATE: an interdisciplinary high school climate curriculum
- MIT Blossoms: math and science video lessons for high school classes
- MIT Sloan: simulation games on energy start-ups, climate policy, and others
- MIT-Lemelson: creative applications of green chemistry in sustainability and bioplastics
- MIT Open Courseware: college-level teaching materials on Energy and Environment
- SCALES: resources for infusing sustainability and climate change into lessons
Games & Competitions
- Explore climate solutions through MIT Sloan Sustainability & Climate Interactive simulators and role-playing games
- Enter global challenge competitions hosted by MIT's Solve
- Compete in the world's largest competition for student-led cleantech startups
- Play the environmental policy negotiations game by MIT professor Noelle Selin